guided meditation bundles

These guided meditations were created with love - to uplift your heart and spirit, support deep reconnection with the wellspring of beauty inside of yourself, and clarify what you most deeply desire to experience in all areas of your life.

each meditation bundle contains 3 audios which focus on a special theme


meditation Bundle

This meditation bundle will support you in rewiring your subconscious mind by combining powerful and inspiring visualizations of what you truly desire to create in your life + embodying the elevated emotions of those things already being here now. Learn More >


meditation Bundle

This meditation bundle will support you along the sacred journey of filling your cup to overflowing with the bountiful, juicy, gorgeous love inside your inner well in all areas of your life, so that you can share it with the world from the overflow. Learn More >



meditation bundle

This meditation bundle will support you in feeling deeply grounded, connected to your center and connected to the earth. It will help you to come home to your own energy, your wisdom, your ‘home frequency’, and your inner guidance. Learn More >



manifestation meditation bundle

This meditation bundle will support you in rewiring your subconscious mind by combining powerful and inspiring visualizations of what you truly desire to create in your life + embodying the elevated emotions of those things already being here now. 

Listening to these audios regularly, preferably first thing in the morning or before bed, will help you step into the vibrational state of “the wish fulfilled“, assisting you in becoming more magnetic to what you truly want to experience in your life, in all areas.

Audio 1: ‘Connect With Divine Abundance’ will support you in reconnecting to the deep inner knowing that we live in an abundant, generous and benevolent Universe. Divine Order is always guiding us towards greater thriving and flourishing in this life. These affirmations serve as a reminder that you are infinite, your gifts and talents are precious, and the entire Universe is your creative ally in cultivating all the abundance you require to fulfill your destiny.

Audio 2: ‘Freedom To Create A Joyful Life’ will motivate, encourage and support you along the journey of creating a joyful, fulfilling and nourishing life you truly love. This is a great meditation to kindle your spirits, inspire your heart and give you an uplifting boost.

Audio 3: ‘Raise Your Vibration & Elevate Your Energy’ will help you expand into your greatest potential, by embodying a state of infinite possibility, supporting you to become more magnetic to that which you wish to create in all areas of your experience. This short and activating eight minute track is a favorite among listeners around the world.


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Grounding Meditation Bundle

This meditation bundle will support you in feeling deeply grounded, connected to your center and connected to the earth. It will help you to come home to your own energy, your wisdom, your ‘home frequency’, and your inner guidance. 

This will assist you in making clear and aligned choices, both in your day-to-day life and in long term decisions on how you choose to focus your precious energy.

Audio 1: ‘Reconnect with Earth & Source’ will help you to powerfully shift your state in just 9 minutes, to feel inspired and uplifted, deeply connected to the nourishing and grounding energies of Earth & the illuminating guidance and grace of Spirit.

Audio 2: ‘Recharging & Cleansing Your Energy’ will support you in clearing your energy field of anything that isn't serving you and is not yours to carry. The beautiful guided visualization serves as an empowering reset back to your center and includes a practice of creating a healthy, self-honoring boundary around you.

Use this meditation any time you want to come back to your own energy & restore yourself to your natural state of inspiration, positivity & joy.

Audio 3: ‘Morning Meditation For Positive Energy’ : The way you start your day can be the most important and grounding part of the day.

This meditation will help you begin your day with inspiration, positivity & kindness, by sharing loving & acknowledging words with your inner child + empowering messages for your body temple.This will help set the tone for deep self-love & self-care that will last throughout your day ahead.


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Love Meditation Bundle

This meditation bundle will support you along the sacred journey of filling your cup to overflowing with the bountiful, juicy, gorgeous love inside your inner well, so that you can share it with the world from the overflow. 

By regularly listening to these meditations, you will feel more deeply resourced and inspired to share the abundance of love inside you, that you are deeply tapping into- with your friends, lovers, community, family and all those whose lives you touch.

Audio 1: Affirmations For Deep Self Love’ Listening to these self-love affirmations will support your subconscious mind in remembering the exquisite and the unshakable beauty of YOU, and how infinitely worthy all parts of you are, to receive your own love. May the journey back home to the radiant, love-filled temple inside of your heart, be the most fulfilling, nourishing and illuminating journey of your lifetime.

Audio 2: ‘Heart Opening Meditation’ Your heart is so big, so miraculous and has a huge, vast capacity to love deeply. Sometimes in the bustle of daily life, we forget what we most adore in this world, we may even forget that we do deeply adore and cherish so much on this earth. This practice will support you in coming home to your magnificent, radiant heart and recharging yourself with the vast beauty and love it holds within.

Audio 3: ‘Calling In Your Sacred Partner: Meditation For Women’

This powerful & transformational guided meditation for women will support you in embodying the beautiful & uplifting energies of being in the most aligned & fulfilling relationship of your life, with your beloved partner. Through focusing your thoughts, intentions & emotions on visualizing what you most desire to create for your future, you build a bridge for these things to come into form in your physical reality.

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